Breastfeeding Video Series


How to make YOU the best breastfeeding momma you can


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Breastfeeding can be hard, and definitely takes a village. So many moms are made to feel guilty about how they feed their baby. There is no wrong way to feed a baby. There is tremendous frustration with all the conflicting information provided by caregivers and of course the internet. Mommas let me be your google. I was a new mom, in your shoes, with sore bleeding nipples, feeling defeated. I made it my life’s mission to help ensure mothers do not have to go through those same battles. This video series is a guide to help make you the best breastfeeding mom you can be.

Videos in Series:

Intro to Breastfeeding – Free
In this episode we will discuss challenges and importance of breastfeeding and how you can find the support and encouragement you need to make you the breastfeeding mom you can be.
Bring in the Baked Brownies
In this episode we will discuss how milk is made, the anatomy of the breast, hormones needed to make milk as well as the reflexes baby has to help with breastfeeding. The baby is the chef, you are the kitchen, and the ‘breastaurant’ is the best food in town. I will discuss how birth plays a role in the milk making process, and just how supply and demand works for creating and maintaining a good supply.
That’s My Breastfriend
In this episode we will discuss how to latch your baby painlessly with the aid of acupressure points and calming techniques. I will go over several different breastfeeding positions, how to know if your baby is transferring enough milk, and how to avoid a calorie burn in the baby. I explain how to calm a fussy baby through the use of the central nervous system pressure points, resulting in good milk transfer.
What A Pain In The Duct: Sore nipple management
In this episode I will discuss  how to treat sore nipples, clogged ducts, and milk blebs. How to relieve engorgement and prevent mastitis. The use of a nipple shield and haaka to help treat sore nipples. I also dive into how to help mothers who have survived sexual assault breastfeed with confidence.
Tongue Ties
In this episode I will discuss all things anklyoglossia, also known as tongue ties, lip ties, and buccal ties. I explain why we are seeing an increase in ties along with the growing MTHFR gene mutation manifesting in midline defects. I explain what a frenectomy is and how treating ties early prevents speech issues, growth issues, unnecessary surgeries, TMJ, sleep apnea and migraines.
How Do I know If My Baby Is Getting Enough milk through pees and poops
In this episode I discuss the myth of foremilk/hindmilk imbalance, as well as low supply. Breastfeeding brings to light conditions you didn’t even know you had. 
Not ALL Boobies are Alike: Splash Mountain vs Milk dud
In this episode I discuss how to build an awesome milk supply by finding and addressing the root problem. Not all boobies are the same. We all have a splash mountain and a milk dud. We only need one, the other is the bonus boob. I explain the role of cortisol, and how to deal with oversupply, and the proper use of galactagogues.
Women Are Leakers: Postpartum Depression, Baby Blues, DMER
In this episode I break down the difference between 4 very common mood disturbances that happen postpartum. Depression, anxiety, baby blues, DMER and hormonal shifts.
Drier Than A Desert Storm: Sex and Breastfeeding
In this episode I offer a little advice from the sisterhood on how to revisit your sex life post baby. Birth control options that can either help or hurt your supply and I discuss the 3 month dump and how growth spurts impact everything.
Pumping and weaning
In this episode I discuss how all good things must come to an end. In this video we discuss pumping for storage, returning to work, and understanding the law for breastfeeding moms in the work force. Storage guidelines for saving breastmilk safely and ensuring the best fitting flange. Tips for weaning gradually and lowering your milk supply with ease to avoid clogs and pain.